Tempting Fate
Tempting Fate means rolling the dice to determine the outcome of risky action.
When fate is tempted, the cultist rolls a number of 6-sided dice against the Shaman who rolls the Dread Dice. Whoever has more ‘successes’ wins the roll.
Cultists roll a number of dice equal to the combination of any of the following factors:
When fate is tempted, the cultist rolls a number of 6-sided dice against the Shaman who rolls the Dread Dice. Whoever has more ‘successes’ wins the roll.
4, 5, or 6 = a single success.
If the Shaman has more successes, the cultist will incur a Suffering and is likely to fail whatever it is they were trying to achieve. If the Shaman has significantly more successes than the cultist, the player may incur several Sufferings.
If the Shaman and cultist are tied for the number of successes, the cultist will find some success in what they are trying to achieve and will also incur a Suffering.
If the cultist has more successes, their victim finds success in what they are trying to achieve and does not incur any Sufferings.
Cultists roll a number of dice equal to the combination of any of the following factors:
- Relevant ‘Character Card’ (see Victim Creation).
- Relevant Item (ex. Toolkit for trying to fix a radio).
- Assistance from allies (see Teamwork).
- Spending Spirit Dice (see Spirit Pool)